Let's face it, architecture is a complex business. Ever since I decided to study architecture way back in 2006, I have gotten a wide variety of reactions to the subject. As a junior in high school, I had almost no idea of what an architect did aside from a vague notion that they might design buildings. Even so, I had no idea what went in to designing a building and had yet to realize how complicated and time consuming it really was.
Within the year, I was met with a few misconceptions of what an architect was, or at least what they were perceived to be. I have been told how architect's are too artistic from an engineer, or too rigid from an artist, or even too unreliable from a business owner. I walked away from these encounters with a firm resolve to be neither of those views of an architect but, of course, I still didn't know. Thankfully, as time moved on, I studied types of architecture that helped me discover my passion and I talked to architects that helped me determine the kind of architect I wanted to be.
The fact of the matter is, architecture, more than anything else, is a process and a process can be short and straight-forward or it can be long and complicated. Architecture is a process that can lay anywhere on that spectrum because it is the process of designing and constructing the built environment. Architects are essentially responsible for helping the client formulate a plan for their building and then helping them to clarify that plan and see it to completion. It is because of this role that the process they oversee really is dependent on how they operate.